

1. FUJITSU LifeBook V1020

Intel Pentium Dual-Core Duo T2370(1.73GHz)
Windows Vista Home Basic
1GB DDR667(Max.4GB) / 160GB SATA HDD
DVD Super Multi (DL)
15.4@ SuperFine WXGA 1280X800
(200nits, 350:1, 45% Colour Gamut)
Built-in Bluetooth
3-Years Warranty

2. FUJITSU LifeBook A6120L/LB

Intel Core2 Duo T8300(2.4GHz)
Windows Vista Home Premium
1GB DDR667(Max.4GB) / 160GB SATA HDD
DVD Super Multi (DL)
15.4@ SuperFine WXGA 顯示屏1280X800
(300nits, 350:1, 45% Colour Gamut)
Built-in Bluetooth / Fingerprint/ 1.3 Mega Pixels Cam
3-Years Warranty

3. Dell Inspiron 1525

Intel® Pentium® 雙核心處理器T2370
Windows Vista® Home Basic
2GB(2x1GB)DDR2 記憶體
15.4″ WXGA TFT 顯示屏
160GB* SATA 硬碟
8倍速 DVD*+/-RW Drive (可燒錄DL)
內置Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 圖像卡
1-Year Warranty

其實錢並非我的最大考慮,如果值得的話貴一點我倒沒所謂,反而我會諗究竟部機咁勁咁快我用唔用得著先,因為我只是用來上下網打下word,最多做下ppt,我真係唔會打機(黃金果d sales哥哥不斷說服我買部勁機,話我遲下可能有用喎,但係我已經再三強調我唔打機架囉)。




  1. 1. FUJITSU LifeBook V1020

    你唔打機就冇問題架啦, 應付一般上網MSN/OFFICE!!

    買個陣屈D SALE比你2GB甚至3GB RAM, 屈個陣就話第間都有(甚麼百X匯, X澤都送喎)


    (謎之聲: 15.4吋MON, 大怪獸黎架喎, 你確定唔會拎出街?)

  2. 牌子上來說 fujitsu 比 dell 好,但三部機真的很大部,你確定不會拿出街用才好,1.2KG 以上的機我肯定你就算買嗰日話唔怕佢重,最後都會話佢好很重

    另外三部機都行 Vista (其實已經無得揀),1GB RAM 肯定不夠用,建議寧願加錢都要 2GB 甚至 3GB RAM

    另外建議你格價時格埋旺電 or 灣電,因為黃金以賣 notebook 來說不算太平,當然百記之流也格一下價,因為有時會有驚喜

    如果要揀 BT / fingerprint / webcam 的話,我會建議 BT,因為可以另購 BT mouse 又唔駛插住個 USB slot,方便得多

  3. 我於大學時曾做過notebook promoter, Fujitsu算是行業內維修率最低的牌子(相對acer最高),而我亦用過IBM, Fujitsu, Compaq, Dell, Mac。
    老實說Dell的只是價廉,出事率尚算可接受,Inspiron 挺堅固的。
    IBM, Compaq不談了,因為搬上內地制造後,質素變了。不過最近好像有點改善。
    我會建議FUJITSU LifeBook A6120L/LB,Cam 未必想用,但突然想用時,也會容易找到。

  4. For sure I would go with the Lifebook V1020. Reasons??? Max memory support is 4GB, which is a lot more important than the differences of speed amongst the 3 processors. Many people blindly go for the fatstest processor PC when shopping while leaving the RAM as is, which is a big no no. Max out on your RAM whenever possible, because it helps the processor to run more efficiently(less harder) and cooler too. Secondly, built in bluetooth does come in handy, and I am sure more and more people find it much easier to transfer files between PC and other personal electronics like PDA’s an cellular phones. 3 year warrenty is indeed a peace of mind for most users! The A6120L is nice, but then for a price difference of $4000 I would rather spend that on another 2GB of memory expansion instead and keep the remaining.The Dell is cheaper, but if I were you I would stay away from Dell PC’s. Moreover, the Dell can only support 2GB memory max so in the near future you may find it a bit wanting for more. Just my two cents of the day.

  5. 當初就是因為不懂選擇,所以買了Mac…
    後來發現,好些「科技界」朋友,都用Mac Book….


  6. 哈囉~

    如果妳一定要在這三部選一部, 我會建議FUJITSU LifeBook V1020. 因為三年保養的關係.

    不過呢, 妳沒有說妳買notebook what for. 如果是desktop replacement, 真的可以買一部比較好的, 因為難保妳有個突然的需要要在家玩短片剪接, 修改照片這些很多人都會做的事. 如果是為了流動性的話, 就應該挑一部重量比較輕, 結構比較堅固的電腦.

    我的NB是Toshiba M600, Toshiba是一個很"穩陣"的品牌, 在效能, 外觀, 價錢, 售後服務上都不錯, 妳可以考慮一下.

    不過最重要是, 仍是妳要先理解自己的需求是甚麼, 才決定買甚麼NB.

  7. 3 year warranty is better than anything else. Cos, you can keep it running for 1 more year. It should be time to replace it with a more advanced one. So Fujitsu is good, I’ve one myself and never has any problem. Get more RAM, no doubt about that. Actually, as other has mentioned, do u need a PC replacement or keep mobile. Believe me, if your laptop is heavy, you won’t want to carry that around for long. I know you don’t want an EeePC, but I just got one myself it is pretty good, especially for web browsing. It is so nice to hold it in your hand and use the multi-touch to netvigate around the screen….Have u thought about that?

  8. 千萬不要買Dell….

    如果要帶出街的,可以看macbook air, thinkpad x300 那些。。



  9. 你最好睇埋重量…

    基本上, usable 的 => lenovo 同 apple. 不過 apple, 你要考慮同你要學過下啲野同換過d software…. 呢個睇自己. lenovo 好 =) 本人都係用緊 lenovo & mac ( 兩部… ) … 不過 mac 有少少廢廢地… 啲accessories又貴.

  10. 引用通告: 電腦忽然平靜地意外死亡 « 得閒寫字

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